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Okay, okay, I know that not everyone that reads this blog is into outdoor stuff and this is HUGE departure from the groove-tastic fashions of the Big Book Catalogs of the 70s, BUUUUT....

This is my blog an I can post anything I want.  And I got drawn for a TPWD private land hunt, which is like winning the lottery (literally, like 50000 to 1.)  And on that hunt I bagged El Muy Grande, or to say HOGZILLA!!!

Estimated weight was 300 to 350 lbs.  For you non hunters please remember that this is an invasive species which destroys native habitat and competes with native game.  The land owner put me on this monster because he desperately wanted it gone (it was chasing off deer.)   And I bagged it early Wednesday morn.  Oh yeah I got a deer and several other hogs on the hunt, which was fantastic, but this was the trophy!!

Location, for those who are interested, was between Medina and Vanderpool Texas, deep in the heart of the Texas hill country.

Yep, I brought home the bacon with that one!!  

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