Good morning all and happy Saturday! It's cold here today, and there's rain in the forecast. I was going to run but I just don't think I can force myself to do it. So I will just lounge and type up posts of you to enjoy instead. And maybe the Zoya Delight Collection will make me forget that it's yucky outside. I know you've seen posts for this collection already and I didn't want to bombard you so I waited a little while to share mine. So let's jump in and hope this long winter finally subsides and we can all enjoy some sunshine and warm air soon.
*press sample*
Lilian is a "faded aquamarine" creme finish polish. Not very exciting or unique, but it is a pretty color with a good formula. It applied easily enough and I used 3 coats for full coverage. No topcoat.
*artificial light*
Tiana is a "pistachio gelato green" creme polish. Again, not a unique color but I do love this shade. I think it's one of those shades that I continue to buy even though I have a zillion just like it. Formula and application were both good. I used 3 creamy coats for full coverage and no topcoat.
*artificial light*
Eden is a glossy "cream flower pink" polish. It's actually pretty bright as far as pastel shades go. Formula and application were both great. I could have gone with 2 coats but used 3 for my pictures. No topcoat.
*artificial light*
Daisy is a "lemon meringue yellow metallic with...turquoise metallic flash." Now things are getting interesting. This is a fun yellow (yes I love yellow) with some extra flare from the blue shimmer. The formula was a little sheer for my liking with 2 coats so I added a 3rd and then thought the polish felt heavy and thick on my nails. No topcoat.
*artificial light*
Leslie, one of my favorites in the collection, is a "soft spring lavender metallic with...turquoise flash." I love the blue shimmer against the purple in this polish. Since I learned from Daisy that 3 coats were too thick, I stuck with 2 and you can see there is still visible nail line. It's not horrible but it's there. No topcoat.
*artificial light*
Rayne, my other favorite of the collection, is a "dewy, spring blue metallic with...turquoise metallic flash." Again, the formula was a tad sheer and you can still see my nail line with 2 coats. My real issue with the polish was that it was streaky. Alas, the color was so pretty the streaks won't keep me from using it again and again in the warm weather months. No topcoat.
*artificial light*

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