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Hard Candy: Hot Pants

Hard Candy Hot Pants(5 coats)

I posted a few weeks ago about how Hard Candy has a few new polishes that were released exclusively to Wal-Mart stores. While I do whatever I can not to go to Wal-Mart, I wanted to stop by and see these polishes in person. The first polish I saw was Beetle which is a dupe of the popular Orly Space Cadet and since it is $5 cheaper than the Orly polish, you may want to pick it up. Since I already have Space Cadet I did not purchase Beetle. I did, however, pick up Hot Pants which was unfortunately mislabeled and I thought it was the new polish Zombie. Stupid Wal-Mart and their mislabeled products :-( I was determined to make this opaque (which I would never suggest trying) and I ended up using 5 coats for this picture. This one is definitely a layering glitter. Hot Pants is a sheer purple jelly with 2 sizes of holographic glitter. Overall, I think this was a fun polish that would look great over purple polishes.

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