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Natalia Ionova explained why chooses for the release of revealing outfits

Natalia Ionova explained why chooses for the release of revealing outfits

Natalia Ionova, which often selects for publication revealing outfits, often subjected to attacks by network users. They leave under the unflattering photos of the singer's comments, which criticized some of the images of celebrities. Apparently, this attitude on the part of subscribers has caused dissatisfaction of Natalia and she wanted to put everything in its place.

Star posted in Instagram one of the archival images, which has left a detailed comment. According to the singer, she has every right to choose to visit social events those outfits that she likes. She says that at home never wears anything like this, and larger events require it to look very attractive.

Today I wanted to answer all those who are behind or openly criticized my revealing outfits. Yes, I sometimes dress up openly, but only on various red carpets events and shooting because I believe that it is stylish and beautiful. At home and in everyday life, I go without make-up, socks and to be honest, my man often outraged about this that he gets the maximum naturalness. But! First and foremost, I'm experimenting with bows for you and of course for yourself. For you, because I like to be out in public, probably why I became an artist. But for myself, because I like my body 

– wrote Ionova.

Natalia Ionova explained why chooses for the release of revealing outfits 1

Natalia also admitted that in childhood she had many complexes, which gave her the opportunity to make their own body and love it. Only after years the star has gained a long-awaited confidence. That is why now she believes that she has nothing to be ashamed of.

I like my figure, chest, legs. I like to wear beautiful things. I like to decorate things themselves: not that the thing was adorned with me, and I was decorated with a different dress... Maybe in 15 years I won't be able to afford it, that's why I live so far and I'm in a rush!! And look at it or not is only your choice. Do not torment yourself, if it's against your moral principles

– said the singer.

Natalia Ionova revealing outfits

Natalia Ionova  revealing outfits

Natalia Ionova explained why chooses

Natalia Ionova

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