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well river island, who'd have thunk it

Thanks eblogger for the mysterious disapearance of my blog on Kate Moss's crack inspired shit line of clothing. so here comes another topshop blog.

never before i have cared less about what topshop is doing for a season then now. i actually can't find anything to buy. but river island for some reason is brilliant this season. thank you god someone out there lowered their prices for the recession. i got my winter coat there and will possibly be buying a second one soon as they are so reasonable. also, there is so many sequins in that shop a girl could get lost in there! viva la island.
now, all we need to do is stop them from making those tacky branded handbags and disgusting combat pants (you know what i mean) urgh.
 unfortunatly river islands website is impossible to cadge photos from so i guess there is your excuse to go in and try out their stuff really...

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