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Rihanna's "Loud"

*Okay I know I said this post would be either from Taylor Swift or Good Charlotte, but Rihanna's new album leaked and I needed to review it. You are getting this review before the album comes out on November 16th here in the states.

A year has not even passed since the release of “Rated R”, but R&B singer Rihanna is back with her fifth studio album simply titled “Loud”. The sound of this album is a complete departure from her previous effort. Rihanna is moving from the dark tone of “Rated R” back to her dance/pop roots that were present when she first began her career. The finished product does have its ups and downs, but the way Rihanna can reinvent herself is fun to listen to. Preceded by the hit single, “Only Girl (In the World), Rihanna proves that you should never count her out.
The first track, “S&M”, comes off sounding a bit like “Disturbia” in its delivery. The song is not as dark instead it is very sexy and catchy. “Chains and wipes excite me” is a lyric that shows that this album will be different. Rihanna is showing her sultry side, showing that she is truly an independent woman. The track is nothing great, but I can see a lot of people rocking their heads to the beat. “What’s My Name?” is the second single off the album which features rapper Drake. The final product is a success, but I do not think the track showcases everything the two could have done. The two artists’ voices do complement each other in a song about love and sex. The lyrics are provocative, but it comes off soft and sweet which is shocking. The song is enjoyable, but is not to be considered amazing. The album continues with the track “Cheers (Drink to That). I am going to be straightforward and say that the best thing about the song is the Avril Lavigne sample that Rihanna uses. The track is not the easiest to get into and I think it tried too hard to be something that it just could not live up to. It sounds too chaotic with too many things going on at once. It is just forgettable. A ballad comes in the form of “Fading” which is a highlight on the album and shows a softer side of the singer that we have not seen in a while. Ballads are Rihanna’s strength even though her voice is not the best thing in the world. The song is not a good contender for her best ballad, but it is good nonetheless. Some emotion comes through with this track and for once I think the lyrics where a good choice for the singer. The first single, “Only Girl (In the World), is as loud as the album gets. Following in the steps of “S.O.S” and “Umbrella”, the track was a great choice to fill fans with anticipation for the new album. I was not quick to love the song, but after a couple of listens my view about it changed. It is a nice, fast paced song to sing along to. Plus, it makes one hell of a dance floor song. If you like cheesy lyrics that really do not make any sense then “California King Bed” is for you. Rihanna’s vocals are not a problem on this track, but there is something about it that makes it dull. I have listened to it a few times and I still do not get what she is singing about. I don’t think it should have been on the album. “Man Down” is a track that allows Rihanna to go back to her roots with the sound and vibe. However, I do not think it is a great success. Her accent is very noticeable and I hate to say that I find it kind of annoying. I give her props for trying something out of her comfort zone but it needs to be perfected with better material next try. “Raining Men” is a song that does not sound very appealing at the beginning and unfortunately that feeling stays throughout. The only positive aspect of the song is the featured guest. Nicki Minaj does what she does best and gives the track her signature touch. Rihanna sounds like she is trying to compete with Minaj and unfortunately she fails. It was not what I was expecting. With “Complicated”, the beginning of the track grabbed my attention which was a good thing following the string of disappointing songs. The background beat is low which allows the talent that Rihanna has to shine through. Again, the writing skills for the song are nothing spectacular, but Rihanna takes the material to the next level. The vocals are good and the track is enjoyable for the listeners, for me as well. Rihanna unleashes some pent up sexual frustration on the track “Skin”. It is very sexual from beginning to end and I feel it works to a certain extent. The song is too slow for my liking. I think a faster pace would have helped it succeed even more. The song progresses nicely, but I do not think it was everything it could have been. If you want a song to put you in the mood, then this one will certainly do it for you. The album closes with “Love the Way You Lie (Part 2)” the sequel to the number one hit. Eminem returns for the track and it is the best thing about it. Rihanna said herself she was afraid to do this song because it wouldn’t live up to the first, she was 100% right. Even with Eminem, the song fails in comparison to the first so I feel it diminishes any impact it would have with the listener. The verses are not as strong and the slower pace does not help it at all. The album as a whole is not what I was expecting from an album titled “Loud”, because it was actually quite timid and forgetful.
“Loud” is a different project for Rihanna and I feel that she succeeds and fails at times throughout. The material is not strong and her delivery is not as captivating as on previous albums. The featured guests on the album shined, but I think they overshadowed Rihanna which is never a good thing. I am sure that the album will do well commercially, but I want to see what critics think about it. It is a step down from “Rated R” which was not even a great album either. For bad writing, forgetful songs, and vocals that don’t represent Rihanna’s talent, the album gets a 73%.

Tracks to Hear: “What’s My Name?”, “Only Girl (In the World)”, and “Complicated”

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