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Week 330: PaTown's Pain

One day I'm in Tampa and the same day I'm back in LA hustling and shuffling. It's good to be back. It was time. LA is where I belong. As soon as I got back, I got right into the action. Auditions are already lining up as I prepare for the unknown. My break in Tampa was much more relaxed than 2015 but it was sadder in many ways. My pop wasn't doing so well physically, Although his health has always on and off as long as I've known him, this time it was pretty bad. I spent a lot of time serving his needs and seeing him in that condition was often depressing. Seeing your father sick and witnessing him say "I don't think I'm going to make it," would have a deep affect on anybody.

Throughout the course of my trip we spoke a lot and he expressed himself with good spirits. He sounds well. His body is another story. His story...our family story is unique and I've shared it with a few select people throughout my life. I've been thinking outside of the box in terms of assisting his health and by the grace of God and my moms prayers he's still fighting. At the same time he needs to go to the doctor. He's so stubborn about that. He hasn't been able to walk for over a month and it's time he goes.

Other than that, I found myself enjoying a lot of youtube during my trip. Specifically watching videos about the Nintendo Switch. I'm back in LA and I'm still watching them. There's a lot of hype surrounding that system and I hope I can afford one soon. I'll love to start gaming in LA.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

* In West Palm

Monday, January 9, 2017

* Return to Tampa

* Audition video sent

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

* Recovering from a terrible trip

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

* At Pam's working and hanging with her grandkids.

Bracket gift by Amira 
* Storage room visit

* Booked work for Friday

Thursday, January 12, 2017

* Depart from Tampa and arrived in LA. My original flight got delayed multiple times and thankfully they found a new flight for me. The new flight actually got me to LA about an hour and a half earlier.

Friday, January 13, 2017

* V.O audition sent  (Super Deluxe)

* Audience work (Audio Legend Tech). This was the best audience work yet. They feed us first. Enough side.

* Updating casting profiles with new photos

Saturday, January 14, 2017

* IOWest improv workshop (Stay Woke)

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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